Everything you need to know about Orita’s new Data Confidence Platform

Data integrity isn’t only for the enterprise. Or at least, it shouldn’t be. Which is why we created Orita, the only self-serve data confidence platform built specifically for DTC e-commerce brands. We’ve worked hard over the last few months to create a solution that you want, making it even easier and faster to access great value within your customer data. 

So, what exactly is a data confidence platform? And why does it matter that it was built specifically for DTC e-commerce brands? We’re glad you asked. 

Why data confidence? 

Today's DTC brands have a ton of customer data, which they know can help them make better decisions across every function in the organization. But the data’s a mess and they don’t really know if it’s trustworthy or reliable. Leaders make critical decisions about where to invest and how much to invest based on metrics like repeat purchase rate (RPR) and lifetime value (LTV), which can be miscalculated if just 2% of the customer data has issues. This can lead to overinvesting on customer acquisition, underinvesting on loyalty and a whole myriad of other problems. 

Enter: data confidence. By cleaning, verifying, linking and unifying customer data, Orita gives brands the confidence that their data is high quality and can be trusted to inform critical business decisions.

Why a solution specifically for DTC e-commerce? 

Every industry faces unique issues and opportunities for growth, and DTC brands are no exception. Whether it’s unauthorized dropshippers or resellers, bots creating an artificially high abandoned cart rate, exaggerated promo use, or the marketing list not matching up with the customer list in the e-commerce platform. 

Because Orita’s machine-learning model has been trained on hundreds of millions of e-commerce customer records, it’s able to spot unique issues and quantify the business impact. Wondering if a certified reseller program makes sense? High quality data has the answer. 

How does it work?

After solving the data quality issue many times over for individual brands, founders Daniel Brady and Zack Gow knew there had to be a better way. A way to automate high quality data, making it accessible to brands that don’t have data science resources, countless hours to dedicate to creating an in-house solution or a big budget. And there was. All it took was a solid algorithm, a bunch of trial and error and a whole lot of customer data to train a model that’s become really, really good at identifying what’s going on behind the scenes for DTC brands. 

Today, brands can easily login to the Orita platform, subscribe for $250 a month and immediately initiate a data-sync from Fivetran (which already has an authenticated connection to over 150 data sources). Once the data has synced, Orita works its magic. The artificial intelligence cleans and standardizes the data, verifies that it’s true and accurate, links it across data sources and finally unifies it around IRL customers. Then, in less than two weeks for standard cases, you receive an alert that your clean data and analytics dashboard is ready.

What does this mean for my DTC brand today? 

  1. It means you can have the highest quality customer data, for a low cost and without a data scientist. 

  2. It means you can now understand why there are issues in your data and how these issues are impacting the business. 

  3. It means you can join the ranks of DTC pilot customers like Amour Vert, Last Crumb, Shameless Pets and California Cowboy who have made significant strategic shifts in response to clean data. 

  4. It means you can acquire more, higher value customers and retain the ones you have.

  5. It means you can increase revenue because of an improved customer experience based on an accurate customer history. 

Today’s online retailers operate in an increasingly competitive environment. Refined customer data has shown itself to be a major untapped competitive advantage. Since you can cancel anytime, you might as well give it a try today.


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